Contribution à la recherche
“Combining mindfulness and ACT to learn how to manage emotions and to engage in valued activities: Assessment of the feasibility of a training group and its efficiency”, A. Wagener, C. Dierickx, S. Blairy (ACBS Annual World Conference Berlin, Germany, 14-19 juillet 2015)
“Gérer ses émotions et agir : pleine conscience et ACT”, A. Wagener, C. Dierickx, S. Blairy. Etude préliminaire de l’efficacité d’un groupe thérapeutique. Poster (8e congrès de l’Association Francophone de Psychologie de la Santé, Liège, décembre 2014)
« Does Change in Self-reported Mindfulness Mediate the Clinical Benefits of Mindfulness Training? A Controlled Study Using the French Translation of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire », Alexandre Heeren, Sandrine Deplus, Virginie Peschard, François Nef, Ilios Kotsou, Christophe Dierickx, Laurie Mondillon, Donald J. Robinaugh, Pierre Philippot publié dans la revue : « Mindfulness » (mars 2014)
« Positive Emotions Up-Regulation and Negative Emotions Down-Regulation. Comparative Study of the Effects on Psychological, Somatic and Social Adjustment: An Integrative Theory-Driven Positive Emotion Regulation Intervention, Interventions to enhance happiness: comparison of Loving Kindness Meditation practice with an Integrative Positive Emotion Regulation pro- gram in a randomised controlled trial, Comparative study of the effects of positive and negative emotions on psychological, somatic and social adjustment » thèse de doctorat de Fanny Weytens (2011-2013)
“Gérer ses émotions et agir : pleine conscience et ACT”, A. Wagener, C. Dierickx, S. Blairy. Etude préliminaire de l’efficacité d’un groupe thérapeutique. Poster (8e congrès de l’Association Francophone de Psychologie de la Santé, Liège, décembre 2014)
« Does Change in Self-reported Mindfulness Mediate the Clinical Benefits of Mindfulness Training? A Controlled Study Using the French Translation of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire », Alexandre Heeren, Sandrine Deplus, Virginie Peschard, François Nef, Ilios Kotsou, Christophe Dierickx, Laurie Mondillon, Donald J. Robinaugh, Pierre Philippot publié dans la revue : « Mindfulness » (mars 2014)
« Positive Emotions Up-Regulation and Negative Emotions Down-Regulation. Comparative Study of the Effects on Psychological, Somatic and Social Adjustment: An Integrative Theory-Driven Positive Emotion Regulation Intervention, Interventions to enhance happiness: comparison of Loving Kindness Meditation practice with an Integrative Positive Emotion Regulation pro- gram in a randomised controlled trial, Comparative study of the effects of positive and negative emotions on psychological, somatic and social adjustment » thèse de doctorat de Fanny Weytens (2011-2013)